Wildlife area

[September  2024]

On 12 July a group of 5 volunteers at Foxes Pice put in another great shift to remove bindweed and establish an attractive wildlife area.  Work has begun to create a woven hazel fence, build up a log pile and establish wild flowers and other friendly plants.  Please keep an eye out for the area (not far from the Dedmere Road entrance) when you visit the site and come along to help at our next session this summer.


Installation of nesting boxes for widlife

[April 2024]

On 23 March 2024 the Bisham Nest Box Group (BNBG) came to Foxes Piece, to install a range of nesting boxes for Blue Tits, Bats and Hedgehogs.  The boxes are located in the row of trees near the entrance at Dedmere Rise, in the tree by the entrance at Foxes Piece Flats and the Walnut Tree in the middle of the site.  The boxes and installation cost a total of £80 and were paid for by the grant scheme money from Marlow Town Council that is being spent equally on projects at Foxes Piece and at Hanging Hill.  Please see the BNBG website for details about buying a whole range of wonderful wildlife nesting boxes at www.bnbg.org.uk 


Seedling Stand

[May 2023]

Seedling & Plant Stand at Foxes Piece

There will be a Seedling & Plant stand held on Saturday May 27th.

Starting from 2pm until 4pm by the entrance in Dedmere Rise.

A selection of small plants and seedlings will be available, for a small donation to the Association.

If any tenant has a surplus that they would like to donate, please contact a Committee Member.



Holland's Hut

[12 Dec 2022]

The shed is now in a Happy Place at the Orchard and it has been used to host at least one MAA Meeting since its completion, as a result of the Naming Competition....... the winning suggestion by a large majority of members: Hollands Hut.  

Click here to see all about the building process.


Our allotments on TV! 

[Good morning Britain Live]

Allotment Competition

[05 Aug 2021]

Marlow Town Council will run a competition this year which will be for the best use of recycled items on an allotment or special feature.

There will be a prize for each Allotment Site and if there is something extra special, they will do an extra award.


This will be judged in the last week of August, the exact date to be confirmed nearer the time.

To enter any tenant can apply directly to the Council by email or letter.

Tenants can specify a point of interest or leave the judges to decide on the most interesting, unique or extra special feature on the plot.

The MAA Committee will not be involved with the Judging & will not have details of those that have entered the Competition.


So, now is the time to get creative and start working on giving those recycled items a new and amazing purpose!!

Good luck!!

Communal Tables

[05 Aug 2021]

There are now two Communal Tables donated and setup by keen volunteers (with our thanks) . They are located under the notice board near the entrances of both Foxes Piece and Hanging Hill. The tables enable tenants to leave surplus crop & seedlings etc for others to share.


Pot Swap Area

Located under the Communal Table are plant pots stored in a large container, these are available for all tenants to help themselves, plus add to with any unwanted pots that may have accumulated over the years. This will be for a trial period of one month. Please ensure the areas are kept tidy & free of rubbish

Bonfire update

[11 Mar 2021]

Marlow Town Council have agreed that tenants of both sites can have bonfires on their allotments during April.

They will be contacting all tenants before the end of this month to notify them of this, along with some guidelines to follow to ensure that emissions are kept to a minimum to support public health priorities and show due regard to neighboring residents. There will also be a new rule that fires can only be lit after 5pm and not at all over the Easter Weekend, as local residents would probably enjoy Easter outdoors, weather permitting, and that is to be respected.

Furthermore , the Committee enquired regarding the situation of the proposed construction work in the Playground Area at Foxes Piece. Hilary advised us that, due to Covid, the draft plans had not yet been put forward for the planning application and no progress is expected until after June. The Town Clerk also confirmed that on the draft plans the allotment gate at Dedmere Rise will not be affected in any way, the buildings will only be erected within the playground area and vehicle access will be from Dedmere Rise. This means that there will be no impact on the integrity of the Foxes Piece Allotments Site and MAA will be updated when there is any action in this matter.

This supports the position of the Association that allotment land is not to be encroached upon, the Mayor gave us a categorical assurance at the November 2019 AGM that any plans they developed for the Playground area would not encroach on allotment land.

Bee swarm

[04 Jun 2020]

Last week we got an impressive bee swarm at Hanging Hill.

It happens when a colony splits into two or more distinct colonies, and this process is essential for the bees' survival.

It's the worker bees that select an egg to inject royal jelly to create and form the new Queen bee.; It's a swarm decision - isn't that fascinating!

In this case, the swarm took the Queen on someone's plot - not ideal.

They have now been relocated to a safe destination.

In case of emergency please contact the : Swarmline:   07854 092228


[22 May 2020]

Here is the photo of a Robin Redbreast chick the parents have nested in a shed (in a carried bag) at Hanging Hill. The fledgling has just popped onto the ledge to see the Big Wide World!


[25 Mar 2020]

We are all experiencing a very serious epidemic which is highly contagious, if ALL tenants do not adhere to the 2x metre distancing whilst on site the allotment both Sites will close forthwith for an undefined period.


Police will be inspecting all areas ensuring compliance with the Governments stipulations, and will only need to witness one incident.


Therefore, when on site please ensure that all around you follow this rule, especially if any children are about, they must be under close control at all times on the site.

Only registered tenants and those that reside with them are currently allowed on site, this means no friends, helpers or companions.


Please also observe communal areas such as locks, gates and taps; always wear gloves when handling these areas for your safety as well as that of others.


If this virus is not contained quickly there could be more stringent rulings in place by the Government.

If anyone has any problems or issues regarding this situation and needs to discuss this please email at marlowallotmentassociation@gmail.com and  I will help in any way that I can.


Best wishes to you all and keep safe!!


Coronavirus Emergency Measures

[24 Mar 2020]

If you decide to visit your allotment, PLEASE follow the National Allotment Society's guidelines: https://www.nsalg.org.uk/news/covid19-information/ 

Recent discovery!

[12 Mar 2020]

Another day in paradise,  here is a picture of the recent discovery that has laid hidden for many, many years on the allotment site.....No signs of treasure from Brinks matt gold bullion heist back in 1983.....26 million back in the day, they reckon it' worth 88 million on today's market place.

John managed to slice a square out of one of the doors of the ground safes & Richard punched through it, to reveal an empty container – we are yet to discover the contents of the second one!!!!

Vacant allotment plots at both sites

[19 Jan 2020]

As there have been a number of tenants that have not renewed their tenancy, there are now plots available at both sites.
To be added to the waiting list (which is currently quite short) any Marlow resident can contact us at; marlowallotmentassociation@gmail.com please supply a contact phone number & address.

New Wildlife group takes off

[19 Jan 2020]

If you care about wildlife and want to protect the environment for birds,
insects, animals, plants and trees in and around Marlow, then there’s a new
group in Marlow you can join.
Covering all areas of Marlow within the SL7 postcode, Wild Marlow has been
formed by volunteer enthusiasts passionate about wildlife and protecting
biodiversity in the Marlow area. Through events, educational guides and
tours, advice, competitions, volunteering and practical work parties, the group
wants to raise awareness of the importance of a balanced ecosystem with
residents, local organisations, land owners and decision makers.
Already this year a number of fascinating events are planned, including an
inspiring new photo competition with support from Marlow Camera Club.
The competition is open to all ages and abilities (professional photographers
are excluded). Each winning photo will be featured in the Wild Marlow
Calendar for 2021. For more information and to enter, go to:
Also look out for Wild Marlow’s fantastic new Garden Campaign, launching 1
April, encouraging domestic gardeners to welcome wildlife. More information
is on the website: www.wildmarlow.org.uk.
Membership is £10 for individuals (allows free/reduced entry to some
events). Wild Marlow is a non-profit group so by becoming a member you will
be supporting us in our activities for wildlife and the community. Donations are
also very welcome!
To join go to www.wildmarlow.org.uk or email contact@wildmarlow.org.uk.

Woodchip Bay at Foxes Piece Site

[19 Jan 2020]

There is now a woodchip bay which has been constructed by volunteers from Foxes Piece Site, this is situated by the Big Gate on Newfield Road near the rear entrance to the school.
The woodchips will be delivered there regularly and will be topped up as demand & supply dictates, these will be easily accessible for all tenants to help themselves.
We would like to give a huge thank you to those volunteers who came along to help with the construction.
Any feedback from Tenants would be welcome, please either email MAA or contact Sylvia directly.

Annual General Meeting

[01 Jan 2020]

Minutes of the 36th Annual General Meeting can be found here


[07 Nov 2019]

Thank you everyone for attending the event. If you meet any of this year's winners please congratulate them on a job well done.


[27 Sep 2019]

The Marlow Allotments Association announces that the Annual General Meeting will take place this year, Thursday 7th November 2019 at Main Hall, Liston Hall.

7.15 pm Doors open
7.30 pm AGM for MAA Members
8.30 pm Prize Presentation by Mayor

Please mark the attendance register before getting seated. All plot-holders, members and guests are invited to attend. If any MAA Members that would like to join the Committee please contact the Secretary Sylvia Miller (07939 097771) or send an email via the Contact page. The agenda can be found here.

Dementia Awareness

[27 Sep 2019]

A Dementia Champion hosts Dementia Friends Sessions, to give families, friends and carers a clearer understanding of the disease.  Dementia not only affects the person with Dementia but also their nearest and dearest, who are all living with Dementia. 

There are monthly sessions arranged by Dementia Champions for September, one will be run by Sarah Loveday at Cliveden Manor Care Home in Marlow and another will be run by Sylvia Miller at Marlow Age Concern in Glade Road. 

Each session will last approx. 45 to 60 minutes (longer if you wish to chat about the session further) and is free of charge – the only cost to you is your time. There is parking at both venues. If you are interested in either of these sessions, or would like to discuss this further please contact Sylvia (07939 097771) for more details.

Bumble Bee Nest

[01 Sep 2019]

On 28th August MAA organised a talk by Clive Hill on Bumble Bees, being a renowned expert in this field of study. 

Bumble bees are important pollinators for fruit and vegetables and therefore of great importance to allotments.

The talk was attended by 15 members who all found this fascinating and Clive presented the topic very well, covering many areas regarding wild bees including the variety, their habitat and the best plants & flowers to grow to attract them, along with details of those that do not attract bees.

Attached are some leaflets that he brought along, if anyone would like to know more about bumble bees please go to the website: www.bumblebeeconservation.org. If any members that could not attend would like another talk to be arranged please contact Sylvia or email us at: marlowallotmentassociation@gmail.com.

All about bumble bees

Bumble bee nests

Gardening for bumble bees

Guide to Bumble Bees and insects that are similar


[01 Jul 2019]

Recently a Bumble Bee Nest was discovered on the Triangle, so a local Bee expert came along and carefully removed the nest along with the bees. These were relocated to an area at the end of his garden and he has been photographing and observing them since.


In July they will then split up and the new queens will set up home in the woodland nearyby. Clive is a fascinating man, he told me that as some food wrapping had been put into the composter this had attracted mice, their nest in turn attracted the Tree Bumble Bees as a mouse nest is one of their preferred homes. The mice then had to relocate and the bees moved in.


The nest removal was carried out in 2 trips, first Clive (kitted up in protective clothing) found the nest and placed it into a special box with a small entrance for the bees, which he returned to the original location. That evening, after dark as the bees will all have returned to the nest from their foraging, he then came back (again kitted up this time with infrared lights to see in the dark) and removed box with the nest from the composter closing the small door to keep the bees inside. 

Clive then spent the next hour or so rummaging about in the compost bin collecting all the bees that had not yet made it back to the nest into tiny pots. Most pots had 2 or 3 bees in each and there were over 50 pots. 

Clive has offered to carry out a talk about his fascinating hobby. Please follow the Events page for details on date and location. The talk is open to MAA members for a charge of £1.00 per person. Please let me know if you are interested by sending a message through the Contact page or by emailing Sylvia directly.

Camera System on Site

[10 Jul 2019]

Unfortunately, the speaker for this meeting is incapacitated with a knee problem and is unable to get about at present, Therefore the meeting this Saturday is now cancelled. However, he is preparing a summary of his speech giving advice and instructions regarding the options available, which I will circulate to all tenants, along with posters around both sites informing those without email. 

Marlow Town Council have agreed that notices can be erected at every entrance to both sites, advising anyone who enters that there are surveillance cameras in use on the site. This means any tenant can have a camera/filming device set up on their plot to enable those that wish to do so, to film the wildlife activity on their plot when they are not present without the need to ask permission or even mention this to anyone else. As previously mentioned, this device should not be aimed at any public areas such as main pathways or another persons plot. Once he is able to there will be a practical demonstration for those interested in attending.

[01 Jul 2019]

We plan to carry out a talk and demonstration of security systems on Saturday July 13th at 2.30pm. 

This will be held at Hanging Hill site and there will be someone manning the main entrance to admit and guide those from Foxes Piece to the demonstration area. 

There will be no charge for this, but for seating purposes I need an idea of numbers, so please let me know if you would like to come along – if possible please bring a chair with you. 

The idea is that those who wish to can have a camera system set up on their plot which would film or photo movement on the plot for instance to see the wildlife that visit when you are not there. 

It is important that the view of the camera is not set to film any communal areas such as the pathway or another persons plot. As you may be aware it is a requirement that others are notified that if you have a camera system in use on your plot. 

I have consulted with Marlow Town Council regarding this matter, they have given their approval that notices can be posted at each entrance of both sites notifying others that there are camera systems on the site. This means that anyone can have a camera system on their plot and they do not need to notify anyone or get permission for this. There are quite a few different products on the market, the talk will cover some of these and give you an idea of cost and how they work. Should this prove to be popular we may repeat this a few weeks later, so those unable to make this one can come along then.

Mature Manure

[10 Jul 2019]

Unfortunately, our contact for the manure collection is incapacitated for a month or so. Therefore the arrangements cannot be made at present. If I am able to source another location I will let you know, the trouble is that other sources may not be a matured as this is. 

Otherwise I will contact those who have requested to be part of this when this can be arranged. In the meantime there is currently a large quantity of compost sold at greatly reduced prices by Hilliers who have taken over Wyevale, Little Marlow and are getting rid of Wyevale stock that they inherited.

[01 Jul 2019]

A tenant has arranged with someone with a huge quantity of mature manure that we can collect this for the allotment. This is very friable and no longer has a strong aroma of its origins. The arrangement is that we go along in a group and bag up as much as we would like. If you do not have a vehicle you can team up with someone that does. Please let me know if you are interested and preferred days/dates so we can arrange with the owner a visit.